Thursday, August 18, 2011

Fun With Names

So, I'm working on the side project for a few days. (I'm just too drained to edit Sarawen anymore. Yes, this is how I recover from writing. By ... writing.) And for the side project, I need inns. A fair number of them. And they need names. So I did a little searching and found this handy generator. Modified it a bit to fit my world and voila! Inn names galore! No guarantees that they won't be a little wonky, though. Take a look at some of the gems I've discovered:

The Prancing Crown
The Lovesick Fist
The Rosy Harp
The Yak's Lair
The Bard and The Squirrel
The Shining Wagon
The Smelly Mermaid
The Diamond Squirrel

Those were all created by my friendly neighborhood random number generator. (Except for one. One is a fake that I slipped in there. But you can't guess which one, can you? Can you?) Most of these probably won't make it into the book, though I rather like The Lovesick Fist. Here are a few that probably will:

The Cowardly Centaur
The Thief and The Unicorn
The Blind Sphinx
The Laughing Elf
The Silent Flute
The Withered Rose
The Cat and The Fairy

Also The Dirty Mug, but I totally made that up myself. What's the best inn name you can come up with? (Note: by posting it, you are giving me permission to put it in my book. Unless you say 'please don't,' in which case I will cry but obey.)


  1. Well using the same Inn Name Generator, I came up with "The Warrior's Flame". You can't have that one, though, so go ahead and sob.

  2. I like the dirty mug. Personally, it would make a good tavern name. :)

  3. I'm guessing that the Yak's Lair is yours. :)


Feel free to share your thoughts here. Or your cookies. Really, anything you feel like sharing.