Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Out of Context

I don't know what to say today. So I'm turning the blog over to ... myself. Behold, a lot of out of context lines from books I have not written yet. (These lines may or may not make it through the edits. They may not even make it through first drafts. But you want to read them anyway, right?)

* * *

Guard: Hey! This is private property! You and your sweetheart go canoodle someplace else.
Boy: (splutters)
Girl: (indignant) We are not canoodling! I don't even know how to can noodles!

* * *

Wife: I'm old, [Husband].
Husband: I know.
Wife: (winces)
Husband: That wasn't what I meant to say, was it?
Wife: I hope not. What did you mean to say?
Husband: I love you.

* * *

Girl: If you lose your head like that again, we'll both lose our heads!

* * *

Girl: I was trained to use this on men who are less than animals. Don't prove yourself one of them.

* * *

I hope you got something out of that. If you didn't, too bad, because I'm not going to explain it to you. Feel free to write your own explanation in the comments. (EDIT: Please, please write your own explanation. Pretty please?)

Bonus points if you figure out which character appears in two of these snippets, and which snippets. (If you know his/her name, too, then you're my mother or sister, and you're not allowed to guess anything. Bad, bad family member.)

P.S. Does anybody know how to can noodles? I'd really like to learn ...


  1. So here I was, thinking "Ha! I'll be able to comment and say I know who everyone is," and then you went and spoiled it! (But I do know who everyone is, so I can just gloat to you all anyway.)

  2. I have no clue on any of them, but I'm loving the old man/old woman snippet and the canoddlers. :D

  3. Megrat: I know. I'm so much smarter than you.

    Lisa: :D Compliments are as good as context. Thankoo kindly!

  4. And are you sure you can't guess which two characters are the same person? Come on ... there's not too many people ...


Feel free to share your thoughts here. Or your cookies. Really, anything you feel like sharing.