Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Why I Love This Job: Reason #429

Today, I was writing a scene. In the scene, there was a crayon drawing. I was trying to describe it, then thought ... why settle for description? Instead, I whipped out my handy Paintbrush and produced this beauty:

And that brings us to Reason #429 that I love writing. Drawing stick men? It's totally legitimate.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I think I'll go write a scene about ingesting copious amounts of chocolate. But first, I really ought to do some research ...

(And yes, I know writing is not technically my job. But I don't have another job [except maybe math homework], so why not count this one? Positive thinking, people!)

P.S. Hooray for the fiftieth post! This REALLY merits chocolate! You can have some too. I feel selfish eating it all.


  1. Oh Sarah! How generous art thou to share thine chocolates! :)

    And, drawing stick men is DEFINITELY one of the best jobs in writing. Especially when YOU are so pro at it. :)

  2. I think that it is great that you are already thinking of writing as a job. It shows how serious you are about it. Keep writing!


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