Sunday, January 8, 2012

Why I Love This Job: Reason #174

Still sick over here, but I had to emerge from my disease-ridden solitude to share this gem. One of my lovely friends, Charity Burton, has been reading A Winters Tale to her little brothers for their 'story time'.

Today, five year old Gabriel sent me a message. Here it is.

This just made my day. Thanks a million, Gub! I will ensure that Aaron eats plenty of inedible things in the sequels ... but for now, I have to slide back into my coma. See you all later!

P.S. I know this post thinks it was written by Charity, but it's wrong. We had a little trouble with the video, and this was the best solution we could find.

P.P.S. For those of you who, like Lisa, can't hear what he's saying because of noisy surroundings, here is the transcription:

Sarah, I like, um, your book, and Aaron, the guy that eats the Christmas ... (incomprehensible mumbling to someone off-screen) ... decorations -- he is really funny. And that one [else?] girl that makes the, um, brother [pain?] like, "Are you THE Pane?" (laughs) It was hilarious. Goodbye, Sarah!

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