Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Dvorak Typing: Taking The Leap

If you follow me on Twitter, you know that I just made the switch to the Dvorak keyboard layout. If you have ever tried this, you know that I am currently going nuts.

My fingers, just this morning able to fly across the keys without a thought, now stumble over every letter. (Except, of course, for the letter a. And m. Three guesses what my new favorite word is.*) It's maddening. It makes my fingers itch and my head ache. It has taken me half an hour so far just to type this post.

But here I am. Still plugging away.

When I first heard about Dvorak typing (which was last night, at Holly Lisle's blog,) I immediately knew that I had to try it. I did a quick web search, figured out how to switch my keyboard over, flew off to this handy typing tutorial ... and faltered.

Don't be stupid, said the mean little voice in my head. You're doing Camp NaNoWriMo in a month. You can't afford to mess with Dvorak right now. Besides, you have DEPRESSION. You barely made it out of bed this morning. DON'T YOU REALIZE WHAT THIS WILL DO TO YOU WHEN YOU FAIL?!

I have spent years with the mean little voice. I knew what to do.

Push off, I told the mean little voice. Then I started typing.

And it was HARD. Fifty minutes later, I was still struggling on the home row. The mean little voice was back, louder this time. You're worthless, it said. You can't do this. Switch back to QWERTY and go make me a sandwich.**

I wish I could say I blew a metaphorical raspberry at my imaginary tormentor and typed the next hundred words with a will. But I didn't. I caved. I switched back to QWERTY and I went to bed.***

And then, this morning, I decided to try again. I ignored the mean little voice screaming in my head; I ignored the fear and the shame and the WHAT IF I FAIL OH SOMEONE STOP ME. I opened my computer. I took the leap.

And, so help me, I am going to fly.

* If you guessed 'am,' you're wrong. Sorry, but all I want to type these days is 'MAAAMAAAA!!!'

** This is a dramatization, and as such, may be inaccurate on a few of the finer points. In this particular instance, the voice requested a drink of water, not a sandwich. I felt that the substitution better represented the spirit of the demand.

*** I didn't make anyone a sandwich, which would be more of an achievement if I hadn't made that part up for the post.

[P.S. If anyone's looking for a good book to read, MIND GAMES by Kiersten White is only $1.99 through June 24th! Sisters! Psychics! Teenage assassins!]

[P.P.S. Looking at the page, I see that PARTIALS by Dan Wells is on sale too. Post-apocalyptic adventure on an epic scale plus save-the-babies equals one of the best books I've read in years. Read it. You'll see.]

[P.P.P.S. And don't forget ONE by Leigh Ann Kopans! Teenage quest for independence! Superpowers! Kissing! SO MANY GOOD BOOKS!!! SO LITTLE MONEY!!! *passes out*]


  1. This sounds way intense! Switching keyboard styles?? You are brave. So, so much braver than me, for even trying it. Which is why I know you'll be able to conquer this thing and soon be proficient in TWO keyboard languages :D

    1. And meanwhile, I will steal cupcakes at the breathtaking pace of 15 WPM! Haha.

      I'm not actually sure I'll be ABLE to type QWERTY once I'm done. I tried it a few days ago and what came out was gibberish. I'm going to take that as a good sign? Anyway, thanks so much for the kind words. It means a lot to me.


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