Wednesday, June 29, 2011

What Have I Been Doing? Well ... Err ...

I started a blog, right? That's a good thing, right?
Let's have a quick recap of the last couple weeks:
June 11: Got around to doing some editing I had been thinking about for a long time (on Sarawen, my too-long YA fantasy). Loved it. Shortened book by 5k words.
June 14: CAME UP WITH BRILLIANT IDEA FOR SEQUEL!!! Did absolutely no editing.
June 15: DAYDREAMED ABOUT BRILLIANT SEQUEL!!! Did absolutely no editing.
June 16: Realized I can't write a sequel until I've edited this book and finished four others. Cried a little. Shortened book by 3.5k words.
June 17: Added something I had cut ages ago back in. Book became 7k longer.
June 18-21: Um. Surely I didn't do nothing all that time? I must have done something, right? Man, I need to keep better records. Oh, yeah. I named the parents of the MCs in my prequel. That's important. Kind of.
June 22: Decided I wasn't getting anywhere and worked on Kaz (my humerous-middle-grade-fantasy-in-progress). Wrote about a thousand words. Made myself laugh.
June 23: Wrote 6k on Kaz. Freaked myself out so much I had to wake up little sister so she could turn off my light. She read last scene. Freaked her out so much she had to sleep on my floor.
June 24: Realized freaky scene wasn't all that freaky. Corrected that. In my mind. Did not correct it in manuscript. Realized that I really ought to work on Sarawen.
June 25: Had killer sinus headache. Beat my high score on Tiki Lavalanche. Repented. Rewrote a few scenes, cut 2k, made Mom and Megrat cry. Felt good. But sick.
June 26: Went to church. Thought about what I was going to write next day.
June 27: Didn't actually write anything. Instead, went to construction site and injured myself. Talked with brother Bam-Bam about his WIP.
June 28: Went to Girls' Camp. Became very ill. Came home from Girls' Camp. Created blog.
Wow! It looks a lot better written out like that! I guess I'm productive after all!
Lest you totally despair of me, I did do more things than I have written here. I just … didn't record them. Like I ate. And slept. And merged all my writing PAF files into a monstrous collection of 1,128 characters. (Yes, I am fully aware of how ridiculous it is to create and name 1,128 characters. But I have to do it. It's important to me.) (Don't worry, only a tenth of them will make it into the books. Most of them died a few decades before the series starts.) I discovered that one sneaky character had been flirting with another character I had already consigned to eternal maidenhood. Behind my back! I grumbled. I let them get married. I worked out a way to generate surnames for a group of people I won't be dealing with until B3. Yessiree, I was productive! Just not in any way that will further my efforts to get published.
And that's why I have you! Your job is to make me write. Productively. By badgering me. And being awesome. And bringing me cookies. (Scientific fact: All sixteen-year-old girls write better with a big plate of chocolate chip cookies beside them.) I also wouldn't mind if you cleaned my room.
Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to go check my Facebook again.


  1. Sarah, when you have written 1K on Kaz or cut 2K from Sarawen, I will make you cookies, or rhubarb something, or some other goody to keep those creative juices flowing. After I help Erik clean his room (as promised 2 days ago) and take Sam for a promised 1/2 hour play and read with both little boys, and get dressed and start the laundry. You can clean your own room. I believe in you.

  2. I'll be willing to make you cookies next time I'm at your house. :) Kaz is amazing! And so far, I like Sarawen too. Also, let's just hope your Blog doesn't become another distraction from your writing. I should write more too...

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. But sadly, I've been procrastinating as well. :(

  5. Mom? Why didn't you make me that offer.I could probably delete two-thousand words out of Sarah's book. Hey, it might even be fun!

  6. *Frantically backs up all files*


Feel free to share your thoughts here. Or your cookies. Really, anything you feel like sharing.