Wednesday, February 8, 2012

An Apology

It's been forever since I blogged. I know that. The thing is, I got home and became horribly ill yet again and fell incredibly behind on everything. Then I spent a couple weeks trying to catch up on play practice, dance and other classes. I discovered four new stories living inside me. I began writing two of them.

It's been a hectic few weeks.

Near the end of last week, my grandpa asked me when I was going to start blogging again. I hit myself on the head and told him I'd do it that weekend. True to my word, I started a post. I was so tired that I was falling asleep trying to write it. I put it away and decided to do it later.

Now, on Wednesday, I am finally blogging. I'm blogging to tell you I'm sorry. My life is in tatters right now. My writing is failing. I'm depressed and exhausted. I don't know when I will be blogging again. It will happen. I WILL give you pictures and updates. Just not yet.

In other news, five more sleeps until my braces come off. Unless I take naps, in which case it will be more sleeps.

Naps. How lovely does that sound?

I love you all, and I really am sorry. Please bear with me a little longer.

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