Tuesday, November 20, 2012

In Which I Write ON PAPER Like a Cavewriter

So, I'm doing NaNoWriMo*, which is an awesome event of awesomeness that happens every November that I don't have time to explain so you should click THIS LINK and check it out. Anyway, everything was going great for the first couple of weeks. I was hitting 2-3k a day, which isn't great for me, but is definitely decent.

And then last week happened. And it sucked.

Not that last week was all that bad. But I have depression, and that combined with several other factors to make last week the BANE OF MY EXISTENCE.

And my writing showed it. For the last several days, I haven't written more than 100 words in a day. This is not a good thing. This is so very much not a good thing. But instead of fixing it, what did I do?

If you guessed that I fretted myself to flinders in between pursuing pointless distractions, you guessed right. I worried and I tweeted and I cried and I played games on my iPod and I pined and I watched YouTube videos. And then sometimes, I tried to write. And I didn't get anywhere.

And then, about an hour ago, I did something very important. I said, "ENOUGH."

Then I grabbed a notebook and a pen, planted myself on the kitchen counter**, and wrote a hundred words.

It was awesome.

The words weren't the best I'd ever written. They weren't actually very good. But they were WORDS. And I WROTE THEM. And I did it in a way unfamiliar to me***, a way that scared me a bit.

So that's my challenge to you. You know that THING that you're supposed to be doing, the THING that is driving you nuts but you keep avoiding? Go do it. And do it in a way that's a bit frightening, a bit out of your comfort zone, a bit NEW.

Then come back and tell me about it, because I want to hear.

* Yes, I realize that I haven't posted on this blog since dinosaurs walked the earth. I'm sorry. Please place your angry notes/Howlers/letter bombs in this box RIGHT HERE.

** No, I didn't actually sit ON the kitchen counter, you smart aleck. I sat BESIDE it, and put my notebook on it. There was a squished raisin on the counter too, but that is completely irrelevant.

*** I haven't written fiction on paper since the DARK AGES. Like, the last time I tried it was about four years ago. I don't like not being able to go back and change words easily, but in this case, that's exactly what I needed.

(If you've read to the end of this, you're awesome. Have some chocolate and comment, please, so that I can comment back and tell you HOW AWESOME you are.)

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