Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Dear-Undear Villain: TCWT Blog Chain

This month's TCWT prompt is:

"Write a letter to an antagonist."

After some deliberation, I have decided not to write a letter to Scar from The Lion King, as I originally had planned. Yes, Scar is my most-despised villain from my most-loved movie. But I don't really have much to say to him other than "You're a filthy, murderous creep and I hope those hyenas suck the marrow from your bones, murderer."

Which, you know, is a nice way to relieve stress and all, but would get really old after a few pages.

So, instead, I'm writing to someone else. Someone I don't hate, someone I can relate to. He's not the most evil villain I know, or the most brilliant, or the most attractive.

He may, however, be the most misunderstood.

Dear Severus Snape,

Before I say anything else, I'd like to establish that I agree that you are an excellently constructed character. J.K. Rowling is to be admired for creating such a potent blend of villainy and humanity. My quarrel is not with her.

My quarrel is with you.

Everywhere I turn, I find your fandom. They swoon over your devotion to Lily. They praise you for your continued efforts in keeping Harry alive. Some even seem to believe that YOU are the true hero of the Harry Potter series.

I disagree.

Throughout the Harry Potter series, I have watched you deal vicious attacks to the students in your care, including, but not limited to: Harry Potter, Neville Longbottom, and Hermione Granger. You have threatened to kill beloved pets, mocked the appearance of vulnerable teenage girls, and openly favored the most malicious among your students.

Were you a fellow student at Hogwarts, this abuse would be reprehensible. But you are not a student. You are an adult, a teacher, designed to be a NURTURER of children.

But do you nurture them? Do you even ONCE express a desire to change, or show a hint of remorse for your actions? No. You are merciless, unrepentant, unrelenting.

And so I denounce you, Severus Snape, as a villain. You may be more real, more human, more sympathetic than the average literary antagonist. But you are not the hero of this story.

Harry Potter is.

Sarah R. Hudson


  1. I only just read the first HP book (shockingly late, yes), and I don't now all the backstory to Snape yet. But he was a jerk. I was ready to throw shoes at his head with Harry and Ron. Apparently he has redeeming qualities? I have yet to find them... Awesome letter, too. ;)

    PS I liked your letter to Scar, brief though it was.

    1. Yes, you are behind the times. Sort of like an anti-hipster, maybe? :)

      And, yeah, that letter basically sums up my relationship with Scar. My feelings toward him are about the same as they were when I was two. Some things never change. Snape and I have a more ... complex ... reader character relationship. I love him as a character but can't stand the fangirling about him. At all.

  2. Either that or I live in a spectacular stone age environment. But I'm catching up! Kind of... XD

  3. I almost finished watching the Harry Potter series for the first time! I almost loved Snape, lol! You really did pick a great one! Thanks for sharing your thoughts on him! (-:

  4. I came close to actually liking Snape, had the plot of book six been different. He could have been the hero of at least his own story, but he wasn't in the end. I can't say I think much of Harry either, though. Good post!

  5. After I read Harry Potter I was confused to hear people going on and on about the wonderfulness of Snape. Wait? Really? That's not what I came away with.

    Personally, I prefer Professor McGonagall. "Have a biscuit, Potter."

    1. McGonagall is fabulous indeed. *munches biscuits*


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